The project is based on the international scientific community recommendations. Basing the methodology on the SEA (Successful Educational Actions) interactive group foresee the quality in a scientific bases of the project output, also it reinforce interaction between practice, research and policy. The project will be based in a participative and intergenerational approach. Through the intergenerational dialogue the project will achieve the best results for everybody. This project only could be carried out transnationally in order to be successful. So, it is necessary to offer common solutions that could be successful and effective in all countries assuring in this way the sustainability and creating a common European framework to address the digital competence. For doing this, the digiUP project is organised in two phases: First phase img_20161025_193912This phase aims to produce the digiUP Methodology, which is the main project output and contribution, will be designed and agree by the members of the implementation working group of National Coordinator Committees, which match with the methodology target group: disadvantage learners, adult educators and volunteers. The digiUP methodology will implement the SEA interactive group in the digital competence learning in order learners with low-digital skills or with any skills at all acquire the five areas of the digital competence: information, communication, content-creation, safety and problem-solving. The methodology will be transferable to any other country or organization willing to offer courses of digital skills focused on disadvantage groups. Second phase This phase aims to desing the digiUP electronic guide, which aims to assure the correct implementation of the digiUP methodology and will ensure the successful carry out of the project results and contributions. The Guide will be addressed to adult education providers, educators, volunteers and anyone willing to implement the digiUP methodology. The interactive guide will explain how to involve the target group, how to organize the courses in order to be successful.