

You find more information on the INCLUD-ED project here


Programs, Toolkits

MECANET: Chek it here! 

European Toolkit for Schools here.


EUROPASS digital competences curriculum

The self-assessment grid of digital competence is available in all European languages here!


Would you believe that 19% of the EU population has no digital skills at all and 14% has never used the Internet?

Have a look at the Human Capital section of the new Digital Progress Report 2017 of the European Commission! You will see that there are still significant differences between Member States and that there is so much more to do to improve digital skills!

If you would rather just read the summary of the most important indicators from adult education's point of view we prepared a presentation for you: 




Aubert, A., Garcia, C., Flecha, A., Flecha, R., Rancionero, S. (2013). Aprendizaje dialógico en la sociedad de la información. Barcelona: Hipatia Editorial.

Centro Europeo para el Desarrollo de la Formación Profesional (CEDEFOP), (2016). Europass: Abrir puertas al trabajo y a la formación en Europa. Competencia digital. Recuperado en

Christou, M., Molina, S., (2009). Educational inclusión and critical pedagogy. Teoría de la Educación. Educación y Cultura en la Sociedad de la Información, 10, 31-55. Recuperado en

Flecha, R. (2000). Sharing words: Theory and practice of dialogic learning. Lanham, Md.: Lanham, Md. : Rowman & Littlefield, 2000.

Flecha, R. (Ed.). (2015). Successful educational actions for Inclusion and Social Cohesion in Erope. Barcelona: Springer.

Flecha, R., Gómez, J., Latorre, A., Sánchez, M. (2006). Metodología Comunicativa Crítica. Barcelona: El Roure.

Flecha, R., Gómez, A., Puigvert, L. (2011). Critical Communicative Methodology: Informing Real Transformation Through Research. Qualitative Inquiry. 17 (3), 234-245. DOI: 10.1177/1077800410397802

García-Carrión, R., Díez-Palomar, J. (2015). Learning communities: Pathways for educational success and social transformation through interactive groups in mathematics. European Educational Research Journal , 14(2), 151–166.

Puigvert, L.; Christou, M.; & Holford, J. (2012). Critical Communicative Methodology: including vulnerable voices in research through dialogue. Cambridge Journal of Education, 42(4), 513-526. DOI: 10.1080/0305764X.2012.733341

Valls, R., Kyriakides, L. (2013) The power of Interactive Groups: how diversity of adults volunteering in classroom groups can promote inclusion and success for children of vulnerable minority ethnic populations. Cambridge Journal of Education, 43:1, 17-33, DOI: 10.1080/035764X.2012.749213

Flecha, R. , Soler, M. (2013) Turning difficulties into possibilities: engaging Roma families and students in school through dialogic learning. Cambridge Journal of Education, 43:4, 451-465. DOI: 10.1080/0305764X.2013.819068

Elboj, C. y Niemelä, R. (2010). Sub-Communities of Mutual Learners in the Classroom: The case of Interactive Groups. Revista de Psicodidáctica. 15, 2, 177-189. Accede